only for Python 3.x
_bool = not True and False or True
_int = 0
_float = 0.0
_complex = 1 + 2j
_str = 'single quotes'
_str = "double quotes"
_str = '''triple single quotes'''
_str = """triple double quotes"""
_tamplate_str = f'int is {0}, but float is {1:.2f}'
_raw_str = r'use for regex matching'
_bytes = b'\x00\x01\x02'
_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
_list[0] # return: 1
_list[-1] # return: 4
_list[0:2] # return: [1, 2]
_list[2:0:-1] # return: [3, 2]
_list[:] # return: [1, 2, 3, 4]
_list[::] # return: [1, 2, 3, 4]
_list.append(5) # return: None
_list.pop() # return: 5
_list.remove(2) # return: None
len(_list) # return: 3
_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 3)
_tuple.count(3) # return: 2
_tuple.index(2) # return: 1
_set = {1, 2, 3}
_set.add(4) # return: None
_set.remove(2) # return: None
_set.difference({2, 3}) # return: {1, 4}
_set.union({2, 3}) # return: {1, 2, 3, 4}
_set.intersection({1, 3}) # return: {1, 3}
_dict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
_dict['one'] # return: 1
_dict.keys() # return: dict_keys(["one", "two"])
_dict.values() # return: dict_values([1, 2])
_dict.items() # return: dict_items([('one', 1), ('two', 2)])
_dict.update({'three': 3}) # return: None
_dict.get('four','not found') # return: 'not found'
_dict.setdefault('four', 4) # return: 4
def _function(arg1, arg2='default value', *args, **kwargs):
:param arg1: description of arg1
:param arg2: description of arg2
:param args: variable length argument list
:param kwargs: keyworded variable length argument dict
return ...
def _generator_function( *args):
yield ...
_anonymous_function = lambda x1, x2: 'return value'
_result = _function()
class _Class(_SuperClass):
'''description of class'''
property = ...
__private_property = ...
def __init__(self, *args):
... # initialize instance
def method(self, *args):
def __private_method(self, *args):
_instance = _Class()
if condition:
elif condition:
for item in iterable:
while condition:
except exception_class as variable:
with context_manager as variable:
assert condition, 'error message'
[... for item in iterable] # return: list
{...: ... for item in iterable} # return: dict
{... for item in iterable} # return: set
(... for item in iterable) # return: generator
[... for item in iterable if condition] # filter items
[... for item in iterable for subitem in subiterable] # nested loop